Long time no see/read right? I know, but like for most people my life is crazy all the time! My little guy has hit terrible twos and he is not even two yet. He doesn't say much, but man is he smart! He has his little hands in everything and I spend most of my days going crazy making sure he doesn't kill himself! You would think with all this running I would not be fat.... but I am! So I have been going to the gym everyday and low carbing it for the last 31 days! I have been doing very well. However, I have an egg allergy and they are a big part of low carb diet so what to do? Yeah you can do the drinks (shakes) from Atkins (or others like them) but they are kinda gross. Well I have only tried one type because they are also very expensive. I would love to be able to try all of these different drinks and low carb things to tell you about them but its hard because I don't have much money to test them all out being a full time student and all. However, as I do try them I will start adding info about what I think about them. I think I am also going to add some recipes I try and let you know what I think of them too. That way you can have the best of whats out there! One thing so far that I love are Breyers carb smart chocolate covered ice cream bars. Man they are so yummy! They have 7 carbs (5 if you don't count sugar alcohol, but I do) they are a nice treat though when you up your carbs a bit. I am going to post at least weekly now because I feel like it would be nice to have something like this all in one place. The best of the best and so fourth. Of course you can try things for your self but I hate going to sites and seeing a recipe and then "I didn't like this" or "really hard to make" and so fourth.
So far for this month I have lost 18lbs and 16 (total) inches. I expect that to slow down drastically but I am still on what they call induction level carbs. I don't do atkins the way it was intended so I will not be calling this the atkins diet or anything like that. I use their products at times but I am just living a low carb lifestyle. Happy healthy living!
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