Saturday, March 26, 2011

Are you freaking kidding me?

Ok so if you know me even a little bit then you know I tend to not have much of a filter when it comes to certain things.  Well I am going to apologize now for that lack of filter.  

I was just reading another persons blog and they just called being fat a disease!  Ok now I dont totaly disagree with that but damn it you didnt catch fat, you didnt get it off the street, and you sure didnt get it though osmosis!  Now yes you may have been unlucky enough to have had it passed down to you from your family.  However, most of us who are fat got that way all on our own!  For me the kick start to gaining weight was pregnancy.  Now mind you that is not by any means my childrens  fault or the reason I am fat today.  we will blame that on eating snickers and taco bell almost daily.  Do that three times for 9 months and presto changeo your FAT!  Now can being fat kill you?  Why yes it can!  Does that mean you should run out and get it fixed by a doctor. NO it doesnt!  That was the other thing she said .... "well yes I may not have been able to contol my self but if I had diabites I wouldnt be able to control that either"  ARE YOU SERIOUS???  You most certainly can control your self, you sure can go eat a salad.  BEING FAT is NOT the same as being DIABETIC!  And to compare the two is utterly rediculouse!  

The thing that bothered me the most is she threw out some stat on how only a small % of fat people can actually loose the weight and even fewer can keep it off.  BS!!!  Loosing weight is no easy task but BS if your going to tell me only a few out of all the people in the world who are fat are actually going to lose weight with out surgery.   Now please don't get me wrong if you want to have or have had WLS (weight loss surgery) then I hope it worked for you and if it did congrats.  But I believe that should be the LAST resort.  If you actually went a year with out binging, you stayed on a healthy diet, and exercised but didn't drop hardly any weight well then by all means.  But you go 2 wks and then say this isn't working and have WLS and then try to get me to believe you didn't take the easy way out again BS!  This shit isn't for wimps let me tell you that but it sure can be done and it sure can be kept off!  This just inspires me more to not give up and keep on a truckin. 

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