Tuesday, March 22, 2011


MMMM I love them but they are EVIL!!!

OK so I remember back in the day when Atkins became popular I was working at Wendy's and I remember people coming in and ordering a double burger with cheese no bread and it made me roll laughing. I thought these people are so dumb do they really think they can eat all this fat and not be a fat ass??? Well turns out YEP!

Ok so in the past few years in school with out looking into Atkins I have learned that our bodies run off of ATP. Whats that you ask... well ATP is Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) basically it is the way we pay our light bills in our body :P you want the lights to stay on you have to have ATP. Its our energy. So ATP can come from three sources CARBS, FAT, and PROTEIN. If you give your body to many carbs then it will use what it needs and store the rest as fat. BUT if you don't give your body carbs it will use fat to make ATP.  In lay very lay terms :)

Turns out these people weren't crazy at all they actually were on to something amazing. So as of yesterday I started Atkins just as a trial because hell why not I have tried every other diet known to man and turns out I am still fat. However, in just two days I have lost weight, feel amazing, and am in Ketosis. Ooo there's another funny word! whats that you ask well ketosis is...Ketosis is a condition in which levels of ketones (ketone bodies) in the blood are elevated. Ketones are formed when glycogen stores in the liver have run out. The ketones are used for energy. Ketones are small carbon fragments that are the fuel created by the breakdown of fat stores. Please don't confuse this with ketoacidosis which is a dangerous thing for diabetics.

Anyway I am working hard on being the best me I can be! I want to be healthy, fit, and beautiful for once in my life. Oh boy there went the low self esteem but the truth is I haven't felt beautiful or even pretty in oh I don't know maybe 9 years. Which is really a big change from who I was when I was younger.

SO... Here is to being the best we can be no matter what that is no matter how we get there! You will get to see this journey in action including all my successes and failures. I want to inspire some one who feels the way I feel right now to be the best they can be right along with me. I am not there yet but I will be soon enough!!!

3/15/2011 Me at my heaviest And my new little man Sam :)

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